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How To Grow Your Social Media Followers For Your Business: A 3RD4PR Guide To Success

Social media presence is a large aspect of the internet and it has many benefits for businesses. A lot of people use social media as their main source of communication, so why not take advantage? With this guide, you will learn how to grow your Social Media followers on Social Media sites like Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Instagram, TikTok etc, in order to get more traffic to your website and generate more revenue.

Make the time to understand and study each social media networks you use, and tailor your posts to each.

How to Grow Your Social Media Audience For Your business?

4 core fundamental questions you should know about your business/brand so your audience can relate Who, When, Where, Why?

1. Who Are You Trying To Target?

Firstly, it's essential to know your social media audience and where they're going to be most receptive. This is often a difficult question with no one answer that fits every business because different brands have a variety of customer bases and varying locations in which they operate.

However, there are some general rules to follow in order to determine the best target location.

Who are the people you're trying to reach? What do they like and dislike? How old is their average age range? it's crucial to understand what other channels your audience frequently use for information on products or services similar to yours.

Have a look at which social media networks they're on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Instagram, TikTok etc, what sites do they visit for research, and how often are these channels used? It's essential to know who your competitors are in terms of the demographics that you want.

What social media platforms is your competition using?

How big is their audience compared with yours? Note any similarities between your target audience and theirs.

Create an account on social media platforms that you're not currently using or those with a larger audience than your using currently, so that you can get more exposure and grow your following.

It is essential to know the geographic location of your audience so that you can target them with posts in their native language or time zone.

Promote content in geographic areas where your customers reside be it for the country, state, or region.

If you're unsure about which social media platform is best for your company consider contacting #3rd4pr. We can help with gaining Potential customers & who are most likely to be online.

2. When The Best Times To Advertise For Social Media Followers?

The best time to advertise for social media followers is when your audience are online and that can differ on each platform ie Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Instagram, etc.

There's no one answer that fits every brand because different brands have different customer bases with varying schedules, but this overview will help you understand the research and know what times work best for a majority of customers:

Morning (between 06:00 AM and 09:00 AM)

The morning is a good time for brands with an early target audience and those looking to reach people in the work or school place. The popularity of this time slot changes seasonally, but it's generally one of the best times outside of office hours.

Noon (between 12:00 PM and 02:00 PM)

Brands looking to reach the middle of the day or people with a lunch break.

Afternoon (between 03:00 PM and 06:00 PM)

An optimal time for brands who want to attract adult audiences. It's also an excellent opportunity for those targeting customers in Europe because it coincides with their prime time.

Evening (between 07:00 PM and 11:59PM)

A great time to reach customers who are winding down from their day, whether that be at the end of a workday or during downtime before bedtime.

Late night/early morning hours (between 12:00 AM and 06:00AM)

A popular time slot for brands with a late night target audience. For those looking to reach audiences in Asia or Latin America, this is the best timing because these markets are most active during late hours.

It's important to remember that while there may be certain times of day when you can expect more people to see your posts on social media, there are also times when your posts will have a greater impact. For example, the morning before any public holiday is one of the best days to post on social media because it has less competition and more active users who may be looking for content.

3. Why Should You As A Business/Brand Promote With Paid Add To Build A Greater Social Media Presence?

Paid ads are a marketing tactic that will help grow your social media following & social media presence by targeting people who have already shown interest in the things you offer and want more information on it. This may be the most common method by which people sponsor themselves on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Instagram, TikTok etc, where a company pays for its ad to appear in front of users and their friends.

The idea is that if someone sees an advertisement for something they like or need, then they'll go out and buy it within a matter of days. This requires an investment of time or money but can be worth it if done correctly.

Most businesses post, but have not understood the meaning why they need to advertise. It costs money to produce a quality long-form content, and you should make sure that your article is valuable for the reader before publishing it.

Responding to comments that people leave is also an important way of building a rapport and publishing articles with content relevant to your audience will be more likely to get likes, shares or retweets which in turn can help grow your social media following.

4. Why Businesses Use Paid Social Media Marketing As The Secret Source of digital marketing.

Social Media Presence can quickly add gains or advantages over your competitors. Paid Social Media Marketing is a marketing strategy that has become one of the most popular ways for companies to promote their brands on social media. Paid ads allow you to target your ads at exactly those who are interested in what you offer and want more information, which can be especially useful when targeting people outside of Facebook's reach.

Social Media is one of the most effective ways to get your company's name out there and give it a voice. It can be an excellent way for you to interact with potential customers, ask them what they want from your brand, or even just show off about the things that you have been doing lately.

The great thing about social media advertisements is that they're relatively inexpensive. You can go up to the maximum for Instagram of $999 per day, but that's not a huge investment when you consider how much time and money it takes to produce high-quality long-form content.

You also have the option of running ads on social media sites that are specifically targeted at those who have shown interest in your particular niche.

The number one reason why businesses use paid Social Media Marketing is because of the fact that it can help grow a company's following and Social Media Presence, which will make them more likely to be found by people searching for something related to their industry.

5. Why Marketers Use Social Media Presence As A Social Credit Score For A Business?

Think of Social Media Presence as your social credit score!

A credit score is a numerical representation of your financial history and how much you owe. Similarly, social media presence credit score reflects the popularity of your business on these platforms.

The more followers you have, the better chance people will become aware of what it is that you offer them! Reading this post will aid you in finding out where to start when it comes to moving your business from the virtual world into reality.

Here are some points that will help you build a Social Media Presence for yourself:

Be active on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram even if it's just posting one tweet every other day in order to keep people up to date with what is going on at your company.

Start a blog. This will help you increase your website traffic and make it easier for people to find out more about what services/products your company offers.

Create promotional content--whether that's through social media or blogging, the key is to remain consistent with this task so as not to lose momentum in building up followers on your social media account.

Use hashtags on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram, TikTok to increase your reach and the number of followers you have!

I would suggest you use our PR company #3rd4pr (no name calling) to help find an appropriate social media platform for your business to excel. For example, if you're a restaurant, then Facebook may not be the ultimate place to promote your business. Instagram might be better for that industry because it's less text-heavy and more visual.

Pick an appropriate Social Media PR Company like #3rd4pr which we can help automate posts on multiple platforms with intended strategy for every post.

Post on your Social Media accounts regularly. It's important to post new content often so you're not stuck in a rut of only posting once every few weeks and having no engagement from followers which will lower your Social Media Presence online.

Key takeaways:

  • Know who your competitors are so that you can target demographics

  • It is essential to know the geographic location of your audience so that you can target them with posts in their native language or time zone.

  • The best time to advertise for Social Media followers, also when your audience are online and that can differ on each platform ie Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Instagram, TikTok etc.

  • Utilize hashtags when appropriate, but don't go overboard with them or they will become overwhelming and cause the loss of impressions for posts that

  • #3rd4pr can help you sift through the white noise of Social Media Marketing and help you with your Social Media Audience.


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